(4: 50 PM)
In an effort to lighten things up--plus we have 3 growlers full of beer to drink and the women are all at their bookclub Oscar party us men weren't invited to, a bunch of us who just happen to blog are getting together to watch the Oscars ourselves. And I will try to live blog a bit, just like last year. Because I have no new ideas, and there's no better way to celebrate the end of the writers' strike than by rehashing old ideas.
Look, I've thought Tilda Swinton was a babe and brillant actress since
Orlando. And love
The Deep End, which is an excellent film in its own right but reminded at least 13 people of Max Ophuls'
Reckless Moment, too, which is another personal fave. But that dress Swinton is inside--wearing it doesn't seem accurate--looks like a rejected part of the Humphrey Dome outfield wall. (Woo-hoo: first dig of the evening, and it combines baseball and Hollywood!)
(4:58 PM)
Here's Kenneth Turan in today's
LA Times:
Anderson, a modern cinematic visionary, is happiest when he is out on the aesthetic edge, using a ferocity of approach to involve audiences in distrubing, difficult narratives. If "There Will be Blood" were to win, it would validate the "one genius, one film" approach to moviemaking that goes at least as far back as Orson Welles and "Citizen Kane."Except Welles didn't win the best director Oscar. And "Kane" didn't win for best film. And if "Blood" wins anything, it might be for the one genius in the film, Daniel Day-Lewis.
But otherwise I totally I agree with Turan.
(5:45 PM)
More dog blood (see entry below) and guests, so not as much attention to Stewart, who actually seemed to be funny. Which is a good thing because he is.
You do know that animated segment that opened the show and ended with a shot of Ahnold would have ended with Fred Thompson for a more national appeal, but the animated Fred was asleep....
(6:00 PM)
Marion Cotillard gets to be very happy--she might not win, but her make-up has.
(6:25 PM)
First, let's hear it for the musical numbers as they give me time to blog. Second, how do you do a "bad dreams" montage, even as a joke, and not include Jimmy Stewart waking up in
Vertigo? Third, I comment, in my snooty way, that I've read the book
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, only to have Dave at the party say, "Casey Affleck gave a great performance in that book."
(6:33 PM)
So they're doing the jokes about Jerry Seinfeld as the Bee appearing in other films, and they show the clip from
The Swarm. Instantly Dave at our party says, "They should have a an arrow pointing to him." Which of course they then do. So it seems Dave at our party is actually Bruce Villanch.
(6:41 PM)
So we have a huge upset, perhaps just to have Tilda Swinton's dress get airtime. It is going to be hard to top her acceptance speech--I mean she got both a butt and nipples into it.
(7:04 PM)
During the sound editing award, which we all agree we don't understand, I ask has anybody seen this when they show the clip from
There Will Be Blood. None of my guests say yes, but I say, "No, I mean has
anybody seen this?" As we laugh, the clip from
Transformers comes on and one guest says, "I've seen that." And we all laugh again.
(7:23 PM)
Is Nicholson the only person who can say "touches the humanity" and make it sound dirty?
(7:43 PM)
Poor Penelope Cruz--something has gone and died on her bossom.
We also joke that all the awards so far seem to have been Foreign Language.
Also, be thankful I left out all the tasteless jokes when poor Robert Boyle won his award and fought his way through his speech. It is possible he was played by Julie Christie....
(8:01 PM)
No snark. Just a very classy moment, bringing back Marketa Irglova.
(8:19 PM)
How nice of Elton John to show up with his hairdo tribute to
There's Something about Mary.
(9:39 PM)
So it's sort of best to leave this with an inconclusive conclusion to honor this year's best picture.
Labels: the blogging is live the show on life support