Sunday, August 28, 2005

Land of the Lost (Their Brains)

Look, have your religion. Believe deep in your faith.

But when your faith makes you do things like this:

Carl Baugh opened his Creation Evidence Museum in the 1980s near Dinosaur Valley State Park in Glen Rose, Texas, where some people said fossilized dinosaur tracks and human footprints crisscrossed contemporaneously. The Texas museum sponsors a continuing hunt for living pterodactyls in Papua New Guinea. Baugh said five colleagues have spotted the flying dinosaurs, "but all the sightings were made after dark, and we were not able to capture the creatures."

I have to say, "Excuse me, but you're an idiot."

It has nothing to do with religion, or God, who's laughing at you right now. I promise, and I don't even know him. (But you knew that.) It's too bad you also don't know that assuming the Bible is literal makes you a whale and gullibility Jonah. For as an ordained Catholic priest in the same Los Angeles Times article says:

"Taking the Bible as astronomy or physics is blasphemy. They're treating it as an elementary textbook and it's not. We believe that God created the world…. They misread, misquote and misuse the Bible, but they will lose out to science."


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11:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to say something mean but I won't (bites tounge)

6:20 PM  
Blogger George said...

Damn, people only like me when they want to sell me something.

I'm pretty sure my mom wrote one of thse comments.

12:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No way of killing these spammer comments? Enjoy the blog though, not rambling, just succinct and clear....

12:55 AM  

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