Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Boy, Sgt. Cabin, Iraq Is One Hell's Bucket

News from the inbox:

First, someone's got to tell the DCCC they need to sample mail emails before they ship them out. Since Yahoo lists "From" and "Subject" right next to each other, right now a line in my box says "Speaker Nancy Pelosi Unconscionable."

Second, the email scams are hitting new lows. Today I got one from "Sgt. B. Cabin" (you only get to the A Cabin once you're no longer a NCO), who seems to prove that our soldiers are not only under great strain, but also relatively illiterate:

My name is SGT.B.CABIN, I am an American soldier, serving in the military Second Marine Division in Iraq, Please bear with me, it will be good you understands the sensitivities of the situation we are facing here in Iraq.

As you know, we are being attacked by insurgents everyday by car bombs. We managed to move funds belonging to Saddam Hussein during a raid in Tikrit his home town. The total amount is US$ 11 Million Dollars in cash, all in 100 dollar bills. We have concluded to move this money out of Iraq to any part of Europe for investment.

We pleaded you help us receive the bag containing the fund from security diplomatic company upon arrival. We have arrange on using Diplomatic Security Courier Company to evacuate this fund to you as soon as you merit our basic requirements.

I promise, Seargeant, I understands more than you might know, so don't pleaded.

I'm not sure, though, if it's sadder that you think I think my country's soldiers are thieves or you think I think it's ok to steal money from the country we illegally occupy.

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Blogger ahab said...

Timely topic, George. CNN has been teasing tomorrow's Paula Zahn show all day today:

"Imagine getting an email from a hitman telling you to hand over tens of thousands of dollars, or you're dead! It's happening to people across the nation. What if it happened to you?"

Paula's got a new hairdo. Fluffy. Have you done anything different lately with your look?

5:07 PM  

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