Monday, February 12, 2007

Can't We Take a Print?

As Craig Smith has reported, the News-Press has basically become Bugs Bunny baseball--catching, Scott Steepleton, leftfield, Scott Steepleton, rightfield, Scott Steepleton.... Sure enough, that's one cartoonish way to cover the news and an insult to the community. Despite what some say, a newspaper isn't just a business: what if someone called a hospital just a business? the water company just a business? a university just a business? How is a newspaper not also a public service, answering the crucial need that allows the public to remain informed and wise citizens? And since when do businesses get to operate solely in their own self-interest--shouldn't we expect some morality from them, no matter? (Ah, I dream. Sorry, got moved a bit by the Obama speech this weekend. Damn people keep giving me hope we might be able to save this country.)

That said, we all need to show up at this event:

Wednesday, February 21, 12 noon, De La Guerra Plaza
Organized by community members

Had Enough? Join Your Friends to Support a Free Press and Worker Rights. Bring picket signs stating your concerns, whether they are to reinstate unfairly fired reporters, to urge Wendy McCaw to bargain in good faith with the Teamsters, to ask readers to cancel their subscriptions, to call for a boycott of News-Press advertisers, or to demand the termination of Travis Armstrong.

Make a sign, grab some noisemakers, and come down to De La Guerra Plaza. We will form a picket line in front of the News-Press building and ask newspaper customers to do business with other publications. This is our opportunity to organize our community around this serious issue. We’ll have a short program with speakers and also offer ways to get more involved.

And then there's this brilliant idea from someone who used to work for the paper. Right now they can afford a hit in circulation, even losing some advertising, for the News-Press owns one very profitable arm no one has discussed enough yet. In addition to printing the ever-shrinking (almost wrote shirking) paper, and all the small locals Wendy bought up and mostly gutted (Goleta Valley Voice, El Mexicano, Blue Edge), the printing plant out in Goleta does jobs for hire. That's good easy money, running others' product, and we have to pressure those folks to go elsewhere. It's a project someone could take on, pairing these publications with new printers.

Anybody out there up for it?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only publication that I know of that is printed there is the Montecito Journal----and Buckley leave his hero Wendy? Not a how about working the pressmen to go on strike?

9:03 PM  

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