Tuesday, May 05, 2009

And Again, Dammit

Santa Barbara is on fire, again, and the Sundowners are coming, again. So here's to those terrific firefighters--again. This one, called the Jesusita Fire, is actually the closest one of the last 4 has been to our house. If you know SB, it's on the ocean side of the mountains, about halfway down in the canyon up above the Botanic Gardens.

The view out our kitchen window from San Roque Gardens, just south of State Street, at about 4 pm:

Two shots from the parking lot at Loreto Plaza. You can spot tiny little helicopters if you look closely. It's amazing we ever get one of these out.

And here's a view from along Municipal Golf Course, which gives you a pretty good sense of the scale of things.

Here's hoping I get to keep reporting during the night and that: a) the power doesn't fail, b) we don't have to evacuate.



Blogger regina said...

You've been in my thoughts since I first heard news of the fire and its location. Sending positive thoughts to you, Amy and the pups.

You have an amazing group of friends who no doubt have your back. Still... If there's anything I could possibly do, please give me shout.

6:39 PM  
Blogger George said...

We seem far enough out so far but the flames are much more dratic at night.

Thanks for your concern.

8:35 PM  
Blogger Folly Blaine said...

What a crummy Cinco de Mayo! I'm sorry to hear it's happening again.

8:40 PM  
Anonymous Robin and Patrick said...

Take good care over there, San Roque. We are watching from our canyon, hoping and praying for some calm.

9:20 PM  
Blogger Tessitura said...

Damn...please take care you two...thats one thing I don't miss from SB

3:39 AM  
Anonymous James said...

Here's hoping you guys are ok and don't have to evacuate.

6:44 AM  
Blogger Chryss said...

Thanks for opening the chinchilla emergency shelter!

WV: redism. The hills have it.

10:17 AM  
Blogger Marty said...

Stay safe, ya'll.

11:49 AM  
Blogger SantaBarbarian said...

Nifty new camera...terrific pix. You get a better view than some in the danger zone.

2:16 PM  
Blogger E-6 said...

Stay safe, pal.

6:38 PM  

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