I Apologize to Pumpkins Everywhere

Originally uploaded by Gus Dahlberg
Here we see a rare angle of President Bush.
Moday random Flickr-blogging explained.
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“We discovered that it was OK to have a little high-brow as long you have a lot of low-brow. That’s entertainment value. The one thing you want to avoid is the middle brow, because the whole world is frigging middle brow at the moment.” – Jon Langford
Labels: flickr-blogging
Clarence Thomas makes Bush seem intelligent and he was appointed for life. Thurgood Marshall is clearly turning over in his grave.
Strange connection. I don't remember george saying that Yale grads' heads are empty. Just W's. There are plenty of smart Yalies. I would, however, lump Kerry into what george may be implying.
george, 2 things:
first, my caption was "a gilimpse inside Karl Rove's soul." Second, you can find the fine, wonderful and informative documentary American Beer on netflix and amazon. Don't know if the Blockbuster rental thingy that's like netflix has it too.
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