Don't Look Ethel!

Originally uploaded by vhtrc.
Mortimer knows if he gets passed by one more woman in this "strip race" he'll have to off his shorts and end up streaking.
Monday random Flickr-blogging explained.
Labels: flickr-blogging
“We discovered that it was OK to have a little high-brow as long you have a lot of low-brow. That’s entertainment value. The one thing you want to avoid is the middle brow, because the whole world is frigging middle brow at the moment.” – Jon Langford
Labels: flickr-blogging
It takes someone "of a certain age" to know the Ethel of whom you speak.
I am in that group of course.
eyes ... burning ...
Brave Sir Robin, thank you for getting the reference I was afraid most would miss. (But that might be all the better for them, to be innocent of Ray Stevens.)
And to think I didn't get it because it was late-period Ray Stevens instead of the earlier stuff with which I'm more familiar. You whippersnappers and your crazy music!
If Ray Stevens' oeuvre has periods, the world is even more frightening than I think it is.
If Ray Stevens' oeuvre has periods, the world is even more frightening than I think it is.
I'm just hoping that there is a period ending Ray Stevens' oeuvre, and it's not just a comma.
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