Thursday, February 11, 2010

C'mon Baby Fight My Lyre

Ready to feel old? Not only does Christina Ricci turn 30 tomorrow, Ray Manzarek turns 71. Now perhaps those doors closed for you long ago, and if you're like me you might like him best for producing X and kicking ass on "The World's a Mess, It's in My Kiss," but still, goddam those 60s are far away, aren't they. So here's to Manzarek, the actual talent in the band dominated by a guy as phallocentric as a Maypole (poetry is not the phrase "great golden copulations" ok?). You've got to give props to any man famous for playing his organ in public. And so well!



Anonymous James said...

I like your assessment of Manzarek and Morrison.

1:27 PM  

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